Now you can be in two places at once. One of those places will have to be inside a virtual world, it’s true, but as connections between the virtual and the physical become more numerous, how long until that’s not such a big difference?
When I wrote about the Platforms of the Web, some of the potential connections I explored were between one platform, the mobile web, and another, virtual worlds. The first steps toward exploring those connections have now been taken, as efforts begun earlier than last year are being launched as consumer products.
Vollee Announces App for Second Life on Mobile Phones – InformationWeek’s article.
Comverse Demos Second Life for Java-Enabled Phones – From Reuters. And a video of Second Life on the iPhone from Mobile World Congress.
Second Life on Mobile Phones in Japan – Just before the end of the year, Sun Inc. announced a Second Life mobile viewer, paid for by a monthly fee that also pays for extra features, including a stipend of Linden Dollars, the in-game currency. That link also contains a diagram of how this, and most likely how the other mobile viewers work, which has been translated into English by Nock Forager.